Sunday, March 16, 2014

A Proposal: Making Fleet Ships more unique compared to C-Store Ships.

When you look at a fleet ship, the main things you see are:

-It has 10% More Hull.
-It has 10% More Shields.
-It has an extra console slot.
-Some of them have one BOff station changes.

In my opinion, this does not seem to be much of a benefit to purchase these ships. Now, I am not saying that the Developers dropped the ball here, but the did miss one major opportunity to make them more diverse compared to C-Store ships: Rolling the Ensign BOff Station into another existing station.

Let's use the Reconnaissance Science Vessel (Luna Class) as an example:
Commander Science, Lt Commander Science, Lt Tactical, Lt Engineer, Ensign Tactical.

As a comparison, the Deep Space Science Vessel:
Commander Science, Lt Commander Science, Lt Tactical, Lt Engineer, Ensign Engineer.

The Fleet Versions could be made more appealing by making the following changes:
Fleet Luna:
Commander Science, Lt Commander Science, Lt Commander Tactical, Lt Engineer.

Fleet DSSV:
Commander Science, Lt Commander Science, Lt Tactical, Lt Commander Engineer.

What this does is introduce new playstyles to the fleet ships without compromising anything major in their gameplay roles.

The Fleet Luna, for example, can now slot "Torpedo Spread 3" for more Crowd Control usage with a torpedo such as a Chroniton or Gravimetric.

The Fleet DSSV can now slot "Emergency Power to [System] 3", or "Engineering Team 3", for more healing, thus helping out players who like to use a DSSV for shield Tanking.

I hope the Developers take a look at this proposal and give some feedback or at least give it some serious thought. Because I tell you, if this actually happened, I would buy lots of fleet modules for my characters.


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